Session Sponsor

MEMA Showcase

May 23
1:00 PM - 3:15 PM

Al Curtis
Cobb County, GA

Kelly Reagan
City of Columbus, OH

Eric Winterset
City of Long Beach, CA

Frank Palmer
City of Ventura, CA

Kevin Devery
City of Goodyear, AZ

The Municipal Equipment Maintenance Association (MEMA), an association with chapters in California and Ohio, returns with educational sessions focusing on innovative fleet solutions and supply chain issues.

Innovative Fleet Solutions.  An informative panel discussion of real-world best practices and problem solutions in use right now, brought forward by leading government fleet managers who are able to share their lessons and successes.

Keys to the Supply Chain—How to Keep Your Parts Flowing.  Supporting a varied fleet is challenging in the best of times.  Ensuring you have the right parts when you need them for the minimal cost is a high goal indeed.  Hear from successful managers--their tips and solutions to ensure your parts operation is fully delivering.


Location: Room 430